269-290-1403 (call/text)
Health Coaching
Mindful Living Strategies and Stress Management
I have extensive training and a unique approach to health coaching, but like many of you I have a health story filled with trial and error, confusion, stress, and overwhelming moments. I’ve experimented with everything from food journaling to CrossFit to a vegan diet. Some things worked and even stuck. Others did not. In those moments of “why isn’t this working for me?!”, I lost my voice and connection to my body and was stressed out all the time. I stopped listening to what I specifically needed to be happy and healthy. I thought "health" was something you found, once and for all, and that was it. Done. You arrived at health - now enjoy life! Well, as you probably know, that's not really how this health thing works.
I understand that there are no miracle fixes and small supported steps lead to sustainable results. I am expertly trained in helping you cultivate your best self. Whatever your physical, mental, or emotional health and wellness goals are, I can provide all the ongoing support and motivation you need to reach them!
What is Health Coaching?
A health coach is an expert in the health and wellness field who uses a holistic approach to create personalized wellness plans that support and empower you to reach your goals.
When you have questions, concerns, or aspirations about your health and wellbeing it can be tough to know which professional to turn to. It’s easy to feel stuck, overwhelmed, or confused about making diet, exercise, or other lifestyle changes. Many of us have tried to make changes to our health and wellbeing but they haven’t work. Perhaps you just had your annual physical and your doctor suggested some lifestyle changes and you aren’t sure how to go about making them. Maybe you’ve had a big transition in your life, like a new baby or career move, and are struggling to find balance. Or maybe you are at your wits end with dieting and want to find a sustainable way to make holistic, lifestyle changes to that aren’t stressful and restricting. Health Coaching might be just what you are looking to reach your health goals.
This service can also be used to discuss concerns, desired changes, and planning for family members. Many of us strive to parent or be in partnership differently than we were raised. We want our kids or partners to have a healthy relationship with their bodies, food, and movement. If you have a desire to undo diet culture and support the people closest to you, Health Coaching is a great place to start.
My Approach
When we are able to focus on the present moment, we find peace, clarity, and understanding in our mind and body. Adopting a mindful practice allows us to slow down, listen, and respect our needs. I will show you how to calmly acknowledge what you are feeling; finding acceptance in who you are in each and every moment.
Putting yourself first can be hard, but it's so essential to your well-being. Together, we will craft a self-care plan to ensure you are creating space for what you need. You can't afford to wait any longer to get back in touch with the things that fill your bucket. You will learn how to say no, ask for what you need, and carve out time for you. When you take care of yourself first, life looks a little less stressful.
Getting Unstuck
Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, what worked for me in my twenties doesn’t work for me now. And likely, what works for me now isn’t going to work twenty years down the road! Things happen. Life happens. We learn, grow, adapt. It’s when we don’t allow for this to happen that we lose our way, and often times it’s our health that suffers the most. What is stressful for one person, may be nothing to someone else. Stress is all about how we approach it and knowing what we need in those moments to thrive.
Unconditional Permission
Learning how to give yourself unconditional permission to change, grow, and explore is key to finding your inner health voice. Everyone is at a different place in his or her health journey and this will affect different areas of life for each person: career, relationship, exercise, spirituality, what you eat. It’s an empowering voice once you find it! While change can be scary for many people, I will support you in this process without the guilt, fear, or shame that may have been there before. I will treat you with dignity and respect and start where you want to start. This is a process and it is crucial that we work at your pace.
Listening to you Body
Our bodies have a lot to say! Unfortunately, often times through constant dieting, chaotic relationships, or chaotic jobs we lose touch with what our bodies really need. How often do we ignore a growling stomach, stay in a relationship that doesn’t bring us happiness, or work for a paycheck instead of enjoyment? Our bodies don’t make mistakes. They are speaking to us every day and we need to listen. During our time together, I will teach you strategies to get back in touch with your whole body so you can hear it’s voice again and honor what it’s telling you.
Finding your voice
It’s hard to speak up for what you need, especially when it comes to making changes to your health. You might disappoint someone, ruin a holiday meal, or be forced to explain yourself to someone and risk being judged. The stress and pressure can become too much. I've been in each of these situations and they aren't fun. However, my voice grew stronger and stronger each time and my goal is to help you reclaim your voice too. With my support, it's 100% attainable for you to make positive lasting changes and take back your health.
To decide if health coaching is right for you, I invite you to schedule a free 15 minute initial consultation with me.
We will discuss your health and lifestyle to determine how I can best support you in achieving your goals and answer any questions you may have.
60 minutes: $120
90 minutes: $175